
A sensor saved as a trigger can be defined as front door with a time delay. If the sensor defined as the frontdoor is triggered (i.e. the frontdoor is opened), the time delay gives you the time to deactivate the alarm before the alarm will be executed. The time delay can be defined in the frontdoor settings. In addition to the time delay you can also define a sound that occurs when the front door function has been activated. With this option you can e.g. open the front door when the alarm is active, then go to the wall tablet and still deactivate the alarm.

To define a front door, go to Settings → Alarm. Select absence or presence mode and tap frontdoor. Now select a sensor. If the desired sensor does not appear here, make sure that it has already been created as a trigger. Set the delay and save the settings. If necessary, add a sound to be played when the frontdoor is opened.