
Since version 1.51 IQONTROL provides an account functionality. With an account it is possible to save, load and delete several configurations.


If you have already an AIO Creator NEO account then you can use this account in IQONTROL too. Otherwise you have to create a new account. To create an account you have to go to “Setup” an then tap on “Account”.

By tapping on “Register” you can create an account. After filling in all forms you have to tap on “Register”.

Attention: The password must have at least 6 characters

Once you have tapped on register you will automatically receive an e-mail to activate your account. This activation is compulsory.

Attention: If you did not receive an e-mail, please check your spam-folder.


After your registration has been successful it is now possible to log into your account. For this purpose you have to go to “Setup” → “Account” and then type in your e-mail-address and password. By tapping on “Login” you will log into your account.

By tapping on “Configurations” you can now see, save and load your current configuration.

Save configuration

To save your current configuration simply tap on “Save current config”. A new dialog will appear where you have to enter a name and a password for you configuration. The password is used to encrypt your config and to store it encrypted on the server.

Attention: Configurations with the same name will be automatically overwritten!

Important note: The password is necessary for the decryption of your configuration. If you lose your password you can not restore your config.

Load and delete configuration

To load or delete a configuration you have to select the config you want to load or edit at the Configselection. Now you have to enter you password. If the password was correct your config will be loaded. To delete your config you have to tap on “Delete configuration”.

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your password you can request a new one by tapping the button “Request link”.

Once you have entered your e-mail-address you will receive a link to reset your password.

Attention: If you haven't received an e-mail please check your spam-folder or request a new e-mail.