
Alpha 2 is an underfloor heating system from Möhlenhoff, which can be controlled via IQONTROL App.

→ for more information check out or the original product manual.


To use the underfloor heating with IQONTROL, it has to be already configured for your network and an IP-address has been set, which you have to enter in IQONTROL.

Alpha 2 as a gateway

To integrate the Alpha 2 in IQONTROL you have to add the Alpha 2 as a gateway. To do this you have to go to “Setup” and then to the tap “Setup”. There you have to tap on “Add gateway…”. On the next page you have to tap on “Add manually”. On the following page you have to change the gateway type to “Möhlenhoff Alpha 2”, set a name and enter the IP-address of the gateway. Finally tap on “Add”.

Adding room control units

After adding the Alpha 2 as a gateway, new room control units can be added. To do this you have to go to “Setup” and then to the tab “Rooms”. Here you have to choose the room, where you want to integrate the Alpha 2 control unit. Now you have to tap on “Add device”, select the name of the Alpha 2 gateway and then tap on “Next”. Select your device in the provided list from all autmatically detected room control units and heating zones. Finally assign a device name and tap on “Add”.

Controlling the Alpha 2

By using the added room control units you can control each heating zone. The tile in the unfolded state has the following functions:

  1. Deactivation of the holidaymode (only active, if the holiday mode is enabled)
  2. Display the actual temperature
  3. Setting the target temperature (5 - 30°C)
  4. Selecting the business- and weekend programs P1 to P4 (only active in auto mode)
  5. Selecting the running mode (auto, day, night)

Important notice : IQONTROL can be used to comfortably control the Alpha 2 devices. Settings like the holiday mode or the configuration of the programs have to be done with the original web interface of the Alpha 2. You can find a link to the web interface in the settings of the Alpha 2 gateways. Additionally it is not possible to control the Alpha 2 with the task manager of the AIO Gateway.