Configuration of V6 series gateways


The current version of the Gateway ConfigTool NEO can be downloaded at It is available for macOS, Windows and Linux.

On the ConfigTool NEO start screen you get a list of all AIO GATEWAYS in your local network. Additionally you can add a new gateway.

How to set up the gateway

To set up an AIO GATEWAY V6 via the ConfigTool NEO, click on on the start screen of the ConfigToo NEO “Add gateway”

Now connect the gateway to power and click “next”.

The next step is to connect the computer to the gateway's (internal) Wi-Fi network (not your home WiFi). To do that go to the WiFi settings of your computer and connect to the Wi-Fi network named “AIOGATEWAY-XXXXXX” (instead of XXXXXX, the last digits of your gateway's MAC address will be displayed). If your computer is connected to the gateway Wi-Fi, please click on “Search Gateway”. The program is now looking for your gateway.

If the gateway has been detetected a message will appear under the “Search Gateway” button.
Click on “Next” to open a page where you can now select your home Wifi, via which your gateway should finally be connected to and enter the password of this Wifi.

By clicking “connect Gateway” the gateway will try to connect with this Wifi.

While the gateway tries to establish the connection, the LED of the gateway flashes orange. When a connection is made, the LED stops flashing and then switches off.
The Gateway is now ready for use.

Note: If the connection fails, please press the reset button on the backside of the Gateway and hold it down until the LED turns green. If you release the reset button while the LED lits green, the WiFi settings will be reset. Repeat now the procedure starting at step 2.

Now click “Open settings” to move to the configuration menu.
Note: You can also open the configuration menu by clicking on the respective gateway on the start scren.

The following tabs are available:

To be able to make changes in the different tabs, always first click on “unlock forms”.
If you have set a password for your gateway, you must first enter your password before you can make any changes.


In this tab you can change the name of the gateway, the location and the time zone. It also provides information about the current firmware version of the gateway, which can be updated manually by loading a firmware file.


In the network tab you can modify the network settings.

Cloud Access

In this tab cloud access can be activated, deactivated and tested.


In this tab you can set the user password.
Additionally you can set the LED color and save or load a backup.


In this tab the gateway can be restarted by command.


In this tab you can request the debug data of the gateway. Also various information about the gateway can be accessed (i.e. task settings and status messages). This information are needed in contact with our support.