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First steps

General informations

IQONTROL is a free and user-friendly app to automate and control your smart home devices via AIO Gateway. It is available for Android and iOS. To download the app just search in your Appstore for “Iqontrol”.

Addiotionally to the app “IQONTROL” we also provide the app “IQONTROL Classic” which has the look & feel of an older version of IQONTROL (without home-page etc.).

Setting up a new Gateway

Once you have downloaded and started IQONTROL the License Agreement of the mediola - connected living AG will appear.
To continue you have to accept them.
Notice: The language is german.

Once you have accepted the License Agreement the initial start screen of IQONTROL appears.

Tap on “New configuration” and select a color scheme on the following window by tapping on it.

Once you have selected a scheme the setup process of your AIO Gateway starts.

Choose your Gateway model

Choose your Gateway model by tapping on it.

The following steps are different for the different gateway models:
→ Setting up a V4
→ Setting up a V5

Setting up an AIO Gateway V4

You can connect your Gateway to a power source and your ethernet now. Once you have done that, tap on “Next”.
Now a list appears with all Gateways that are connected to your ethernet.

Select your Gateway and tap on “Next”. Now your Gateway will automatically receive an IP-address.
If the configuration process fails tap on “Retry”. If the configuration process was successful , the assigned IP-address of your gateway will be displayed.

By tapping “Next” you will be directed to the “room”-page to add a room and assign several devices.

Setting up an AIO Gateway V5

Please connect the AIO GATEWAY to a power source now. After booting the RGB LED of the gateway should light in solid orange (access point mode). In this case tap on „next“.

Now you can connect your mobile device to the gateway's own WLAN/ Wifi (not your home WLAN/ Wifi). For this purpose go to the WLAN/ Wifi settings of your mobile device and select the network named „AIOGATEWAY–XXXXXX“ (instead of XXXXXX you will see the last digits of the mac address of your gateway). Once your mobile device has been connected to this WLAN/ Wifi, tap on “Search gateway”.

If your gateway has been detected, a confirmation will be displayed, containing the name of the device, the mac address and the current firmware version. Tap on “next”.

In the next step you can select your home WLAN/ Wifi, to connect the gateway to. You also have to enter the WLAN/ Wifi password. Then tap on “connect”.

Now the gateway will try to connect to your home WLAN. During this process the LED flashes orange until the gateway has connected to the WLAN successfully.

Note: If the LED does not stop flashing, the connection process has failed. In this case you must reset the gateway (via the reset button on the back) and then repeat the procedure from the beginning.

When the LED stops flashing, your gateway has been connected to the WLAN. Now tap on „Gateway successfully connected“.

In the next step you can connect your mobile device to your home WLAN/ Wifi (the same WLAN/ Wifi your gateway is connected to). When your mobile device has been connected successfully, tap on “Device connected to network”.

Now the setup is completed and your gateway has been installed successfully. The assigned IP address of your gateway will be displayed.
Additionally you can check if a new firmware is available for your gateway. For this purpose tap on “check for firmware update”.

Note: We highly recommend to update to the newest firmware.

en/iqontrol/first_steps.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/24 09:34 by admin