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ConfigTool NEO – Changelog

1.15.0 (2022-05-12)

  • Feature V6 serie: “elero” as sensor mode for 868 MHz.
  • Improvement Network: Note to first unlock forms for NTP info.
  • Improvement Same requirements for passwords as in IQONTROL NEO.
  • Bugfix Crash under macOS Monterey.
  • Bugfix Fixed various issues with the USB firmware installation.

1.14.1 (2021-11-26)

  • Improvement Pass vendor ID in update check to server to better be able to filter firmware.

1.14.0 (2021-11-11)

  • Feature V6 series: Sensor mode 433 MHz options for Brel and erfal.
  • Bugfix Sensor mode 433 MHz was also show for V6 mini and V6 mini E despite those models not supporting it.

1.13.1 (2021-03-02)

  • Bugfix Crashes on macOS Big Sur.
  • Bugfix Error message “invalid parameter” when sending gateway restart command, despite the gateway restarting.

1.13.0 (2020-11-23)

  • Feature V6 series: Setting for sensor mode 433 MHz.
  • Bugfix Secure API: Request with certain characters could not be processed correctly.

1.12.0 (2020-08-31)

  • Feature V6 series: Use backups of other V6 gateways for the V6 Plus.
  • Feature V6 series: Backup and restore contain HmIP devices. Requires firmware 1.15.0.
  • Feature V6 Plus: Only update STM chip when using locale firmware file.
  • Feature V6 series: Sensor mode for Kopp Free-control 3.0.
  • Bugfix Creating backups for V5+ / V6 Plus: Button stayed disabled if save directory dialog was canceled.
  • Improvement V5+ / V6 Plus: After setting the time, update the form input, too.

1.11.2 (2020-07-03)

  • Bugfix Backup restore: Sensor events not begin restored correctly.

1.11.1 (2020-07-01)

  • Bugfix NEO SERVER appeared in the overview, but requests failed.

1.11.0 (2020-06-30)

  • Feature Support for AIO GATEWAY V6 Plus (hardware version CA).
  • Bugfix Backup restore: Rules were not restored.
  • Improvement Backup restore V5+ / V6 Plus: Wait animation added.

1.10.0 (2020-06-10)

  • Feature V6 series: Support for lock function. (Requires up to date firmware.)
  • Feature Debug option: Show gateway UDP messages.
  • Bugfix V6 series: Backups did not contain IP gateways and IP devices.
  • Bugfix NEO SERVER: Button to start the debug output stayed disabled.
  • Improvement V6 series: Support encrypted requests over the Secure API and use it per default.
  • Improvement V6 series: More info about IP gateways and IP devices in the debug output.
  • Improvement Debug output: Remove possible authentication data from the results.
  • Improvement Only allow V5+ firmware installation, if UDP messages can be received. Otherwise show a warning.
  • Improvement NEO SERVER: Re-enabled geolocation settings.
  • Improvement Filter WiFi SSIDs which are too long for the gateway.

1.9.5 (2020-03-04)

  • Bugfix macOS: Failed to save backup file of the V5+.

1.9.4 (2020-02-19)

  • Bugfix Backup restore V6 series: Tasks with time trigger were not restored correctly.
  • Bugfix Backup restore V5/V6 series: Now waiting a few seconds between deleting the devices and tasks and restoring the ones from the backup, because otherwise the process could fail.
  • Bugfix NEO SERVER: Removed settings for time, timezone, and geolocation, because they are not supported.
  • Bugfix Linux: V5 firmware installation per USB failed.
  • Bugfix V5 firmware installation per USB did not clean up properly and left behind a temporary file (“st-[timestamp].bin”).
  • Improvement Backup restore V5/V6 series: Continue restoring devices even if there was a failure to restore a gateway HomeMatic address.
  • Improvement Backup V5+: Show a note that encryption is only possible if a password is set on the gateway.

1.9.3 (2019-12-09)

  • Check if password contains problematic characters.
  • Make sure no information in the debug output has been cached.

1.9.2 (2019-08-15)

  • Bugfix Gateway can sometimes not be found again after finishing the WiFi setup step.

1.9.1 (2019-08-08)

  • Changed file extension of V6 backups from “.aiov5” to “.aiov6”.
  • Improvements for firmware installation on the V6.

1.9.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Feature Support for the Gateway V6 series.
  • Feature Open gateway settings by directly entering an IP address.
  • Gateway setup: If a password is already set, show a password input.
  • Bugfix Linux: Added two missing entries in the english translation.
  • Bugfix Windows: V5 firmware installation per USB did not work anymore.
  • [Ticket #1267] Lock the input for the place search as long as all forms are locked.

1.8.4 (2019-03-05)

  • V5 Plus: Support for new improved firmware installation process. Requires firmware 1.1.5 or newer to already be installed.
  • macOS: V5 firmware installation over USB is now much faster in phase 1.
  • Bugfix Linux: V5 firmware installation over USB did not work.
  • Bugfix Buttons could become unlocked without the correct password. However, gateway request would still fail.

1.8.3 (2019-02-12)

  • Bugfix Firmware installation over USB for the V5 sometimes could not start the 2nd phase on Windows.
  • Setting for log level of the V5 Plus (since firmware 1.1.5) and NEO SERVER (since version 2.4.2).
  • Improved firmware installation over wifi.
  • V5 setup dialog: Option to show wifi password as text in input.
  • Debug output: Removed “Log: errors” and “Log: warnings” entries because they were more confusing than helpful.

1.8.2 (2018-12-10)

  • Improved AIO GATEWAY detection.
  • Show NEO SERVER with IP “1.”/“10.”, but only if the info request does not fail with a timeout.

1.8.1 (2018-11-26)

  • Bugfix Wrong error message on V5Plus firmware installation, saying the installation could not start.

1.8.0 (2018-11-23)

  • Do not NEO SERVER which have an IP starting with “1.” or “10.” oder a MAC starting with “00-00-00-”.
  • Faster firmware update over WLAN.
  • Removed button to “Check File System” if V5Plus firmware is 1.1.3 or newer. Because of changes to the file system this check would always return an error now.

1.7.0 (2018-07-17)

  • Feature UDP logger.
  • Feature Set sensor mode: Dominoswiss.
  • Feature Set sensor mode: Internorm Window Contact Sensor.
  • Bugfix Sometimes gateway entries in the overview table cannot be clicked to open the settings.
  • Support new firmware installation process introduced with firmware version 1.0.23.

1.6.5 (2018-05-07)

  • Bugfix V5 firmware installation per USB not working.
  • Bugfix Cloud setup: New SID is being generated on setup if cloud access setting has been enabled/disabled without closing the app.
  • Show UDP logger after first phase of V5Plus firmware installation.
  • Pause background search for gateways while installing firmware.
  • NEO SERVER: Name length limit now same as V5Plus (255 characters).
  • Support for hardware type E6, but without online firmware checks.

1.6.4 (2018-02-15)

  • Require a repetition of a new password before saving it.
  • Do not show autocomplete suggestions. (Can crash the application.)

1.6.3 (2017-12-21)

  • Bugfix V5Plus: No restart before firmware installation if using online update.
  • Bugfix V5: Restart button not working if gateway password is set.

1.6.2 (2017-12-13)

  • V5 firmware installation: On first error reverse the order of chip updates, updating the WiFi chip first.
  • V5Plus firmware installation: Reboot before starting update.
  • V5Plus firmware installation: Check if the latest ConfigTool NEO version is installed. If not a warning is displayed instead of the formular.
  • UI: Improve gateway list updating.
  • Hide edit button for gateway time if forms haven't been unlocked yet.
  • Bugfix V5Plus backup can only be created once until the ConfigTool is restarted.

1.6.1 (2017-10-17)

  • Bugfix File system check wrongly reports a found error.
  • Bugfix Missing translation for repair success text.

1.6.0 (2017-10-16)

  • Feature Set time of V5Plus.
  • Feature V5Plus: Check and repair file system.
  • New tab: System. Moved “restart” and “open WebUI” there.
  • Highlight unexpected V5+ MAC.

1.5.1 (2017-09-15)

  • Do not allow to install the same V5+ firmware multiple times on a gateway.

1.5.0 (2017-08-10)

  • Feature Option to create unencrypted backup.
  • Feature Display RSSI info if available.
  • Feature V5Plus: Configure WLAN (WLAN USB stick required).
  • Maximum V5+ name length can be 255 instead of 16.
  • Support for hardware version “D1”.

1.4.9 (2017-05-18)

  • Feature NEO SERVER: Set password and setup cloud access.
  • Feature Show column for gateway type (V5/V5+/NEO SERVER) in overview.
  • Bugfix .bin firmware files cannot be used for V5+ anymore.

1.4.8 (2017-04-27)

  • Bugfix macOS 10.12: Application sometimes hangs on exit.
  • Bugfix V5+ firmware update with .v5pfw file fails after 50% in some cases.
  • V5+: Check firmware version before attempted installation. Downgrades are not possible.
  • Highlight gateways with beta firmware in the overview.

1.4.7 (2017-03-15)

  • Adjustments so the ConfigTool NEO can be started from within the CREATOR 2.0.1 onwards and directly opens the gateway settings oder gateway setup dialog.

1.4.6 (2017-03-07)

  • Feature Support for new V5+ firmware file format (.v5pfw).
  • Feature Debug: Export V5+ log files.
  • Feature Support for NEO SERVER to set geolocation and timezone (if it doesn't run on a V5+).

1.4.5 (2017-02-24)

  • Cloud access: Option to generate a new SID.
  • Bugfix V5+: Wrong timezone displayed. (Saved value is correct.)
  • Bugfix Save button stays disabled after attempting to set a too long name.

1.4.4 (2017-02-14)

  • Bugfix V5+: Call GetTask instead of GetAll in debug tab.
  • Bugfix V5+: Wrong geolocation displayed. (Saved value is correct.)
  • Bugfix Missing information if opened from the AIO CREATOR NEO.
  • Firmware installation per USB: Show note, that not yet possible with the V5+.


  • Feature V5+ online firmware update check and installation.
  • Bugfix Problem restoring V5+ backups on Windows.
  • Bugfix The same local firmware file can only be selected once without restarting the application or selecting a different file first.


  • V5+: Removed HomeMatic sensor mode option, because it is always active anway.
  • Added additional V5 hardware version identifier.


  • Bugfix Error if trying to setup cloud access, an SID is already set from an earlier setup, and the password has changed meanwhile. Also affects backup restore.
  • Show an error message if certain devices could not be restored from a backup.
  • Additional preparations/adjustments for the V5+.


  • Feature Sensor mode: WIR elektronik.
  • Preparations/adjustments for the V5+.


  • Bugfix UTF-8 characters in username or password causing problems.
  • LED: Option to set color permanently, but color options are restricted for now.
  • Firmware update: Automatic retries after the 50% mark (without having to repeat the first 50%).


  • Bugfix Whole application closing when closing the instructions window.
  • Updated to NW.js 0.14.7.


  • Bugfix Backup restore: Chromoflex 4 devices not being correctly restored.
  • More characters allowed in gateway name: ()[]{}


  • Feature Backup and restore. (Requires at least firmware version 1.0.6.)
  • Feature Set NTP server.
  • Bugfix Windows: Firmware per USB installation not working.
  • Windows installer: Offer to install ST driver (necessary for firmware updates per USB).


  • Bugfix Form for firmware reinstallation not being reset until application restart.


  • Feature Hidden option to install beta firmware per online update.


  • Bugfix Instructions dialog: Do not show error message if firmware update starts on a retry.
  • Bugfix Firmware install retries also happen when progress > 0%.
  • Bugfix If a firmware update is done at the end of the instructions, the settings dialog will still show the old firmware version.
  • Show SID after cloud setup has finished.


  • Bugfix Gateway name: “-” not being accepted as part of the name.


  • Feature Online update check for a new ConfigTool NEO version.
  • Feature Warn user if GetSI request failed and advice further steps.
  • Show errors and warnings of the logger in the debug tab.
  • Silently retry firmware installation if it fails right at the beginning (still at 0%).
  • Changed last step in firmware per USB installation: “Remove the gateway” instead of “Gateway restarts”.
  • Cloud setup: If attempt to reconnect fails with message “invalid endpoint”, then just normally register the gateway for a new SID.
  • New application icon.


  • Feature Set application language (de, en).
  • Bugfix Setting sensor mode not working if user password is set.
  • Bugfix Firmware installation per USB sometimes gets stuck in phase 1, just short of reaching 100%.
  • At the end of the instructions check the gateway version. If the firmware is “0.0.24a” show an additional step in which an online update is performed.
  • Do not show the “password protected” message multiple times in the gateways list.


  • Feature Check online for firmware update and offer to install it.
  • Feature Set sensor mode.
  • Bugfix Keep SID when setting up cloud access prompts for user authentification.
  • Adjusted geolocation gateway API.
  • Adjusted timezone gateway API.


  • Show SID in cloud access.


  • Feature Debug info.
  • Keep SID when setting up cloud access.


  • Changed image for “instruction-power”.


  • Added column “IP Address” to gateways overview.


  • Updated to NW.js 0.14.6.
  • Bugfix Callback not called in error handling of GeolocationService class.

Things I forgot to document between version

  • Feature Set LED color.
  • Feature Set gateway name.
  • Feature Set network options.
  • Feature Setup cloud access.
  • Feature Set geolocation with a service to find it by name.
  • Feature Set user password.
  • Feature Set timezone and daylight saving time flag.
  • Feature Install firmware over the air.
  • Feature Install firmware per USB.
  • Feature Dialog: Add new gateway.


  • Feature Detect and list gateways.
en/v5/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 15:01 by sdorn