* Improved learning process of eltako components
* Improved learning of Warema EWFS components
* Support HmIP-BSM
* Support HmIP-FSM16
* Support HmIP-BRC2
* Improved support of Eltako motion detectors & brightness sensors
* Button of the HmIP-WGC can be used as a trigger
* Fixed an issue where no messages were being evaluated by HomeMatic components * Fixed an issue where messages from HomeMatic multi-channel components were not evaluated correctly
* Fixed an issue where the radio module of the gateway was restarting after controlling a HomeMatic or elero device
* Fixed an issue where enOcean devices could not be deleted or no new enOcean devices could be trained
* Fixed an issue where the status of the HmIP-SMI motion detector could not be switched
* Fixed an issue where the HmIP-SWSD Smoke Detector could not be used as a trigger
* Fixed an issue where the HmIP-PDT dimming actuator could not be used as a trigger or action