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Set Password

To set a password for the AIO GATEWAY V6, select the “Advanced” tab in the ConfigTool NEO.

Enter your password at “User Password”.
Click on “Save”.

The gateway is now displayed as “password protected” on the startscreen of the ConfigTool NEO.
If you click on the gateway on the startscreen, you get back to the settings page of the gateway.

Please note that if a password has been set, it must be entered in the device manager in the AIO CREATOR NEO too.

Change your Gateway settings

After setting a password you will have to enter your password first, when clicking on “Unlock Forms” to edit any of the setting options. Enter your password and click “Apply” to change the settings on the gateway.

Delete password

To delete the password of the AIO GATEWAY V6, leave the “Password” field empty.

Then click on “Remove password” to remove the set password.

Note: Please note that access to the cloud will be disabled by removing the password.

en/v6/passwort.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/27 14:44 by admin