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Action: Execute command

If the action “Execute Command” is selected, you have to select the desired action according to the configuration options offered in the “assign action” context menu. This way, you define the action to be performed in detail. First you have to select a source (possible selection: device or gateway).

If the source device is selected, the following setting options are available:

  • Select the room in which the desired device is created.
  • Select the device for which a command is to be executed.
  • Select the command that should be executed at the push of a button.

If the source Gateway is selected, the following setting options are available:

  • Select the gateway on which the program or the variable is located.
  • Select target (i.e. program or system variable)that affects the action
  • more options depending on the selected target (e.g. program or system variable exact action / values etc.)
en/creator/ui-remote-action-command.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/10 17:31 by admin