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Push messages are messages which appear on a mobile device and disappear when they have been read.

Activate push messages

To activate push messages on your gateway you have to go to the category “Setup” and than to the tab “Setup”. Here you have to select the gateway where push messages will be enabled. You have to check the checkbox “Activate Push Message Service”.

Note: If you activate the push message service for the first time, a query will appear with the question, if IQONTROL has the permission to send you messages. You have to accept this otherwise you won't receive a push message.

Create push messages

To link a task with a push message you have to add the message as an action to this task. Select an existing task or create a new one. Now select “Add new action …” and then “Push Message”. In the following window you can enter your message text which will be sent to your mobile device. This service is available for free.

If the “Push Message” service is still inactive, make sure that you have enabled “Activate Push Messages”. If “Activate Push Message” has been already enabled but the selection box does not appear then disable and enable it again.

Attention: To use push messages your gateway has to be connected with the internet!

en/iqontrol/pushmessages.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/27 17:38 by admin