
To add a textfield to the remote page click on the textfield-icon in the elements menu.

For configuration of the text/ textfield you can use the options in the properties menu.

You can adjust font color, alignment, font rotation and font size. To write the text directly in the textfield on the remote page just double-click in the textfield. Alternativly you can insert the text in the textbox in the properties menu.
In case the textfield is too small for the included text, the size of the textfield will be adjusted automatically. There's no automic line break available but you can insert a manual line break by using the return key of your keyboard.

Additionally you can define the text style (underlined, bold, italic) and the size of the textfield in the properties menu. Several text fields can be selected and formatted at the same time. It is also possible to assign a state device and display a dynamic state text.With the help of status rules, the displayed content of a status text can be individually adjusted in a text field, as can the design of the text within the text field depending on the assigned status.