Requirement: AIO CREATOR NEO version 2.8.0 or higher
With status rules, you can define for devices that have status feedback, which text is displayed with which status status or to which design the corresponding text should change for certain statuses.
If a device status is assigned to a text field, the status is displayed exactly as it was programmed for the device , e.g. to visualize the color of an LED using a text field, it may be that “# 000088” is displayed for a dark blue LED color.
These very technical status messages are of course disturbing in the personal smart home remote control and, above all, can be incomprehensible. It is therefore possible to customize the text displayed using status rules. In addition to the wording, it is also possible to adapt the design of the text displayed.
To create a status rule for a text field, select the text field and click Assign rule on the right property bar.
The following image gives you a first overview of the functions. To create a new status rule, click on New status rule and enter a name for your rule.
There are two ways to create a new status rule: - Create a rule from scratch. - Alternatively, you can use one of the sample templates or a rule that has already been saved, edit it and save it with a new name.
First of all, you now have to determine how the change should look like, i.e. what should actually be displayed. With status rules for texts, you can define changes to the text content as well as changes to the text design. You can fold out the options for text content or text design.
Under Text you can specify a prefix or suffix in addition to the actual text content, which is then also displayed before or after the actual status. Under Text design you can specify the look of the text in more detail.
Text content and text design can be defined individually or together in a status rule. That is, When changing the value of a LED to “blue”, you can display both “blue” and at the same time have the text color or font changed.
Each rule consists of any number of “text-state pairs”. A text-state pair defines which text is displayed in which state (or which text design). A new text-status pair can be added to the status rule using the + Add button when text and status have been entered in the edit fields.
The following image shows the “Smoke detector” template with two pairs of text statuses as an example. With the message okay kein Rauch is output and with the message smoke Rauch! is displayed.
After you have named your status rule and defined how the change should look via Text or Textdesign , you must now define for which status these settings should be displayed.
To do this, first determine the status type for which you want to display the text and specify it by specifying the specific status value or the exact status interval. The following types are available:
1. Value
As a value you can enter a number or a character string (eg “on”, “true”, “open” etc.) that must correspond to the status designations reported by the device. If the status corresponds exactly to this value, the assigned text is displayed. The status for the selected device is displayed under the field for entering the status value, so that you know which status you can enter here.
2. Interval
To define the interval, you can enter numerical values for the lower limit and the upper limit. If the status reported by the device lies within this interval, the assigned text is displayed.
Under the field for entering the status value, the status areas known for the selected device are displayed to make it easier for you to select a suitable interval.
3. Set
You can define any number of values (see point 1) as a (status) quantity, which are linked with each other via an “or” condition. This means: The assigned text is displayed when the reported device status corresponds to one of the values defined in the set. This can be particularly useful if the same status text is to be used for different devices that report different status values. The status for the selected device is displayed under the field for entering the status value, so that you know which status you can enter here.
Here the text color should change depending on the temperature of a thermostat. Accordingly, four status intervals were selected and these were given the specific range of numbers and different text colors.
Once you have defined your text-status pair, add this to the status rule using the + Add button. If you have all the text-state pairs of your status rule together, click on Save status rule .
You can edit already saved status rules or templates by first calling up the respective status rule in the status rule list or the template from the template list. Now all text-status pairs of this status rule are displayed. If you select one of the text-status pairs, this can be edited in the editing area. By clicking on Apply the changes are saved.
A text-state pair can be deleted using the trash can icon.
A status rule can be deleted using the trash can icon in front of the status rule.
You can copy a status rule by selecting the status rule and saving it with a new name.
To assign a status rule for a status display to a text field element, first select this element on the remote control page. Now open the text status rule management under Properties and select the desired status rule. By clicking Assign Status rule , then rule is assigned to the selected element.
For further reading: