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Create, assign and modify status rules

The tab “status rules” is part of the image catalog of AIO CREATOR NEO. By using status rules you can define which image will be displayed on which status.


→ How are statuses visualized by images in general?
Basically, status graphics are sets of different images for each status of a device. The various statuses, which can be very different depending on the device, are transmitted in the form of “values”. Values can be both, numbers or strings (for example, on, off, true, false, etc.) be.

→ What is a status rule?
By using status rules you can define, which image will be displayed for which status. You can assign a status rule to a remote element placed on a remote page (button or image), so that this element will show different images according to the defined rules.


To define a new status rule please click on “+ New Status Rule” and enter a name.

To define a rule you have two options:
1. You can create a new status rule from the scratch.
2. Alternatively you can use a status rule template, which you can modify and restore with a new name.

Each rule consists of any number of “image-status-pairs”. An image-status-pair defines which image will be displayed for a status. You can add a new / additional image-status-pair by clicking the button “+ Add” (you first have to assign an image and select the status type).

The following graphic shows the template “Window: open/closed” which includes three image-status-pairs.


For each image-status-pair you can select an image via the image icon and the status type via “Type”-Dropdown.
There are 4 status types selectable:

1. Status undefined
The undefined status must be included in each status rule because NEO displays this image if no status is available (for example, because the connection is down).

2. Value
A value can be a number or a string (for example: on, true, open, etc), which has to match the transmitted status of the device. If the status matches exactly this value, the assigned image will be displayed.

3. Interval
To define the interval you can enter numerical values for minimum and maximum. If the transmitted value is within the set interval, the assigned image will be displayed.

4. Set
As a (status)-Set you can define any number of different values (see point 1). In this case the assigned image will be displayed when the transmitted status matches one of the defined set values.


To edit existing status rules or templates, you have to select it first. Now all assigned image-status-pairs will be listed. Select one of them and modify image and or status type. Finally save your modifications by clicking “Save Status Rule”.

→ Add an image-status-pair
You can add a new / additional image-status-pair by clicking the button “+ Add” (you first have to assign an image and select the status type).

→ Delete an image-status-pair
You can delete an image-status-pair by clicking the respective basket icon.

→ Delete a status rule
You can delete a status rule by clicking the basket icon in front of the rule .

→ Copy a status rule
You can copy a status rule by selecting the rule and save it with another name.


To display a status on a button or graphic element you can assign a status rule to the remote element. For this purpose please select this element on the remote page first. Now open the “Status Rules”-tab in the image catalog and select the desired status rule. By clicking on the “Assign Status Rule” button, the rule will be assigned to the element.


Some examples will demonstrate the use of state rules:

1. Example for status type “Set”

For demonstration we use the template “lock: open/closed”

This status rule consits of 3 image-status-pairs.

  • The first one defines the displayed image for the “undefined”-status (if no status is available).
  • The second one defines the image, which will be displayed, if the status matches the values “off” OR “unlocked”
  • The third one defines the image, which will be displayed, if the status matches the values “closed” OR “on” OR “lock” OR “locked”.

2. Example for the status type “Interval”

For demonstration we use the template “CO2: Number intervals”

This status rule consits of 4 image-status-pairs.

  • The first one defines the displayed image for the “undefined”-status (if no status is available).
  • The second one defines the image, which will be displayed, if the status is greater or equal to 0 and less than 1000. The image shows: CO2-value low.
  • The third one defines the image, which will be displayed, if the status is greater or equal to 1000 and less than 2000. The image shows: CO2-value medium.
  • The forth one defines the image, which will be displayed, if the status is greater or equal to 2000. The image shows: CO2-value high.

In addition to status rules for graphics, text elements can also be adapted with status rules.

en/creator/img-statusregeln.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/25 15:27 by admin